Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Know me more! A short story about myself.

October 10, 1994, 4:25 in the afternoon, a mother gave birth to her second child, at the place of Langgam Maco, Comval Province. Weighing 32 grams, a healthy baby girl. The family of the mother and the father are both happy to another precious gift from God.

The mother and father, named her Cielo Marie Pagulong Gementiza. Cielo comes from the Italian word means "heaven" and the name of her father Lucio Celso and Marie means "Mary". 18 years of existing in this world. Happy and alive and alive. A hyperkid, jolly, talkative and imaginative lady, that's her parents way of describing Cielo.

This time I will be the narrator...
I am living a simple life having simple dreams. Currently, I am studying Bachelor of Science in Criminology, 3rd Year College. Seriously speaking, first I am not sure about this course and then I liked it and then I am not sure again. Quite confusing but one thing I am pretty sure of, I would like to pursue this journey and finish this study for my parents and only for them. I don’t want to disappoint them. 
My parents are Lucio Celso Pana Gementiza and Emma Pagulong Gementiza. My father was born on February 11, 1962 at Antiquera, Bohol.  He is not working but rather he manages our motorcycles as a sort of our income (self-employed). My mother was born September 9, 1965 at Maco, Comval Province. She is currently working at abroad in Hong Kong as a domestic helper. I am so very proud of my parents because they are willing to give everything for us just to make us happy. They really have a lot of sacrifices and I am so thankful to God for He gave them for us. We may have conflicts sometimes especially my mother because it’s hard to grow up without guiding mother but even though our situation is difficult, she never failed us. And my love for them is forever. 
I am the second child; I do have an older brother. He is Jim Emmanuel Gementiza. He is a registered nurse and working at Medical Mission Hospital. And our youngest is Kathleen Marie Gementiza. She is studying Bachelor of Science in Business Administration at Saint Mary’s College. I so love my family because they really understand and really know my attitude. In fact, my father and my brother are using reverse psychology, sometimes I may get hurt but that’s my strength and motivation to reach my goals.

I personally like color pink the color of Hello Kitty but I don’t like cats Hehehe! I am socially active in the internet. I love expressing my feelings via twitter because I think twitter is freedom! Before, I am a spoiled brat, I used to get what I want but my father disciplined me well and taught me a lot. I am so afraid of my father because I think he is a horrible monster when he gets angry. Hahaha. But I love my father despite of that.
I like those people who are very funny, it makes my vives good. I like to have a friends who are opposite of my personality because I think I can learn from them. I hate people who are boastful, greed and tactless but I like people who are intelligent, gentlemen and God-fearing I easily get attracted with them. I love music but music doesn’t like me. Hahaha.
I love to learn things in life. I love learning different martial arts especially karate-do and arnis and I want to try kung fu but its hard yet I wanna try it. Playing and training karate-do takes my stress away. I also love watching televisions and movies, movies that aren't boring. I love reading English books so that my vocabulary will be broaden but I'm so lazy to finish reading books.
Primarily, my ambition is to be successful in life through that my family will be proud of me and I can help them. I won’t let my parents work. We will travel the world together with the people I love the most. I also want to help other people especially the homeless children and poor families. I want them to be happy and not suffer anymore.
Simply, I just want to have a HAPPY LIFE AND LIVE PEACEFULLY with my love ones and with GOD.

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